New Photoshoot

I started a new photoshoot today called Juicy, I'm going to make it a photoserie and the idea is different fruits with matching make up and it is suppoused to look immature and juicy of course:) But I need some models other than myself ;) Here is the first photo for the photoseries, me ft.Melon:) Hope you like it!

Color version. Model: Me. Photographer: Me.

Black and white version.
More is to come!!

Here is the story:
Me and my sister bike to the shop and buy enery drinks, My little sister (16 years old) pays first and then it is my turn...
Girl behind counter: ID please.
Me (surprised!!): Ehm, don't you have to be like 15 to buy this?
Girl behind counter: Eh yes. ID?
Me (WTF face): Eh... ID? I am SEVENTEEN... (soon 18)
Girl behind counter: Sorry I cannot do that, I need ID, please.
Me (more WTF face than ever): Eh... But I don't have any with me?
Girl behind counter: Sorry then I can't let you buy this.
Me: What?! Sure then I won't buy it...
Girl behind counter: Okay... I'll put this away.
I wanted that energy drink:( I had to buy RASBERRY SODA.
/fjortis (sorry can't translate that)
Phoenix - 1901

About me
Full name: Alexandra Maria Christine Sjögren
Nicknames: Alle, Allen, Nalex, Alex
Birth date: 23rd August 1992
Lives: In Hultsfred, south of Sweden
Length: 167 cm
Hair color: Ash-blonde
Eye color: Blue-gray
Family: Mom, dad & my siblings: Beatrice, Emma and Felix.
Best friend: Josefin Nilsson
Great Love: Tim Lommerse <3
Interests: I love taking photos and editing them in Adobe Photoshop, I also love writing stories; both fantasy, comedy and romance and painting & drawing is something I do a lot as well... Music means a lot to me and I listen to it when doing all of these things and while sitting in the car gazing out of the window... I also love designing layouts and etc.
Novels: That's too hard to choose... The secret garden, Twilight series, The sisterhood of the travelling pants, Leaving Poppy, The lovely bones etc...
Film: Edward Scissorhands, Corpse Bride, Tuck Everlasting, The Secret Garden, Twilight, HP, The Lovely Bones, The sisterhood of the travelling pants, Pride and prejudice (Keira Knightley) etc.
Pet: My cat Kiara:)
Trip: To the Netherlands! (My bf)
Candy: Kexchoklad (waffle chocolate)
Music: Phoenix, Muse, Depeche Mode, Joan Jett, the Runaways, Melody club, Keane, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Youth group etc.
Words: Iskristaller & Midsommarnatt
My name would be: Michelle Iris
I'd live: In a small white house with blue corners and ivy climbing the walls. There would be big windows everywhere giving a view out to my enormous garden with flowers climbing on an arbour and flowers everywhere... Oaktrees , japanese maples, cherry & apple trees and a little pond as well as big, high hedges as fence:)
I'd work with: The 3D effects in movies such as Lord of rings:)
I'd be too smart for: School
I'd be best at: Taking photos & drawing
I'd know: The vocalist in Muse
I'd have the ability to: Charm everyone
Harry Potter vs. Bella Swan
Chips vs. Candy
Coffee vs. Squash
Comedy vs. Horror
Talking vs. Listening
Bus vs. Bike
Guitar vs. Piano
English vs. Swedish
Sun vs. Moon
* 98 % of the time I wear socks I wear two different pairs.
* I like to sniff my pillow while watching movies.
* I curl my hair the way they did in the nineteenth-century.
* I am obessed with lipbalms and buy lots of them.
* I can't step on wells because then I can't sleep, thinking they've given me bad luck.
1st plunge of the year!
Yup!! Believe it or not but today's hot weather made me bathe in the lake! It was kinda chilly first but yeah I DID IT!!! haha I don't know what it is exactly but plunging in the lake for the first time makes me feel like "wuhoo! I DID IT YA LOSERS!" It is really immature and silly actually, but even though I dont feel like it I just HAVE to bathe just to have done it! haha, this year my first plunge came off late but yup:) Now it's done yiippieee... I am hot all over again now and feel like bathing again...but then I will just get hot on my way back again, right? Oh well I ain't complaingggg:)
I hope you all had a great Midsummer, I think I did too:) I met some family and ate lots of sweeets and alll kind of stuff:) AAAAND I did not dance round the midsummerpole this year either haha yuuup Im stubborn , anyway I will post a couple of pictures, sorry they are not very many but yeeaah:)
Isn't my sister beautiful?
Do you like my crown? :) haha
My sister and grandma <3
Weird summerpole this year! haha, it usually doesn't look that way...
Why Iskristaller?
When I created my blog I wanted it to have a name that would feel special to me. Iskristaller means Ice crystals in Swedish. Especially since I write this blog in English I wanted something would still tell I am a Swedish girl, I wanted a name that would tell so:) So... I chose to name my blog in Swedish even though it is written in English. I am sorry if the webadress confuses you though (, not I had already chosen my name before creating the blog and I liked it so much and then I discovered that adress was already taken (by someone whose last entry was posted year 2005)... So that's how that turned out :p
Anyway, when I was little I was always - and I still am, amazed by the perfect shape of a lone snowflake, thinking is it possible that nature can create something this beautiful?
When I thought about names for my blog, I thought; what amazes me? What is beautiful to me? What's the most beautiful Swedish word I know?
That would be... Iskristaller.
It is about the "rich", but also about those who serve the rich ones' , lives in the nineteenth century. And already from the first page of the book Anna Godbersen exposes that the main person in the book will die the day before her wedding and the first chapter describes her funeral... Elizabeth was murdered but no one knows who it was... and then the rest of the book is about WHAT really happend between all the people around her and Elizabeth herself before the murder... And you keep wondering "IT MUST BE SHE" ... "hmmm noo actually it could be him too because..." ha you'll keep reading it and wonder who is the murderer all along. If you don't have anything to read this summer you definitely should read this, I haven't quite finished it yet but almooost. A plus is that it is a series so if you like the first book you can go and read the upcoming ones as well:) (Which I'm gonna do) Yippiieeeee
Btw, maybe you wonder what that weird FESTIS bottle is... Yeah it is just a bottle I water my plants with which I painted so I wouldn't mix it up with my other bottles:D Me thinks it looks bit prettyyyyyyy


Haha me neither!
"A girl called Dawn"

And to the left you see cover I'll perhaps use for the novel/story:) It is Dawn (or Davina which is her real name) who is the main character along with Taylor, whom she meets 1957 when she is 17 and he is 19. They both fall in love and slowly Taylor starts realizing that 1957 was not the first time he met Dawn.
Here below is an extract, and excuse me if there are some weird sentences and weird spelling mistakes, it isn't quite corrected yet... Kay, I'll give you the prologue:)
"I recall six years ago. I was only thirteen and I was lying on the big stone, Rocky grande, or more like hanging down from it very close to the water surface of the river some yards away from the house I had been born in and grown up in ever since. I liked to lie there and look for fish. I would hide my net underneath the sand in the water and lie very still, then when I saw the fish come swimming at it I would faster than the blink of an eye sweep it out and make them swim into it. I used to see my father do it just for fun when I was very little and when he was not home I would run down to the river and have a go myself. I never really got any good at it until some years later when I caught my first fish and took him home in a bowl filled with water. Father said I was being silly because fish is for eating and the fish I had caught was smaller than a thumb and certainly not worth eating. Though I never told him that eating it never had crossed my mind, I would look at him for a while thinking perhaps I could take care of him and call him Pinky for he was smaller than a thumb and more like my pinky but then I looked at him and he looked at me. I think he opened his mouth that way fish do and I thought he mimed “Set me free”. So then I decided not to call him Pinky for after all that was rather girlish. I ran down to the river again, took the bowl with me and then I set him free into the water. Since then I started catching fish, admiring them and then I would let them go again.
However this very afternoon I was thirteen years old, lying on Rocky grande and staring down at the surface with my hand holding the net waiting for a herd of fish a bit further away to swim at me when I all of a sudden heard loud weeping. The fish scattered hysterically when I twitched in surprise. Next neighbor was miles away and we lived in the middle of nowhere on the countryside where no one hardly ever went except when they were lost. I stood up to see where it was coming from and my eyes spotted a white heap of blonde curls lying next to a bush some meters away from the river. I widened my eyes and took some hesitating steps towards the weeping. The weeping did not stop until I was standing not far away from the curly little thing on the ground. There was a faint gasp and a little girl who seemed to be around the age of six looked up at me with big blue eyes. She sat up, her curls standing out in every possible way and direction and her face blushed with glassy eyes and crystal tears on the cheeks. She did not say anything at all, she just stared at me for very long and then she threw her arms around me and hugged me with what seemed all her force. Me, who never had been this stunned before, hugged her back a bit awkwardly. “Hey, hey, take it easy.” I said when she sobbed a bit. “What’s wrong?” There was a fraction of a second and then suddenly the girl burst out crying again. “Heey heeey” I said without knowing what got me into this situation and what to do about it.
“The watch!” She managed to squeak. “It is broken!” I had never seen or heard anyone cry this much and the reason to why someone would cry this much was rather odd. I could not recall ever being that devastated ruining a toy when I was a kid, unless it belonged to someone else of course, like my father. I knew how mad he would be if I ruined any of his properties. That would make me cry.
“It is not yours?” I asked a bit carefully, trying to understand. The girl screamed and wept even more. “Hey!” I said “Hey, hey! Let me have a look! I am sure there is something we could do to fix it, please don’t cry.” Then she all of a sudden stopped, let go of me and looked at me with those big blue eyes.
“You must not tell.” She said with a silent, serious small voice. “It’s a secret no one must know. It is dangerous, grandfather said.”
I wrinkled my forehead in confusion and nodded after a while. Then she put her hand in a small pocket on her dress and took out a small silvery watch hanging in a neat metal chain and gave it to me. “Oh this looks old.” I said and looked at it, studying the small hands. They had stopped moving and showed that it was five o’clock which it had been half an hour ago. I was so concentrated on trying to understand how to make it tick again that I did not notice until after a while that there was a small line going around the big numbers which I had taken for a pattern before, but now when I looked closer I saw it was numbers. It started on 1000 and then there were many, many small numbers after that and at the number 1951 there was a small black dot. I raised my eyebrows. “What’s this supposed to mean?” I mumbled quietly. “No I think that is correct. It is year 1951 isn’t?” She asked and I looked at her and nodded with a puzzled face.
“Oh really?! Woah!” She said and smiled. “Yup…” I said knocked a bit on the watch and suddenly it started ticking again. “oh! Look!” I said and the girl’s lips split up in an ever wider smile. “Let me put it on the right time.” I said, looked at my own watch and put hers on forty minutes past five.
“There you go!” I gave her the watch and she took it.
“Thank you Taylor!” She said, smiled at me and ran behind the bush. I saw her feet behind it. “How do you know my name?” I went behind the bush to see her but she was gone. "
Bored? Fuck yeah.
7 things I'm unhappy about
1) I am freezing.
2) My new shoes are lovely but I cannot wear them 'cause they are too damn big.
3) Tim is not here
4) Josefin is going away , nooo!!!
5) My glasses are still broken and I dreamed that I can't see a f*ck
6) The weather refuses to stay NICE!
7) Radio.Blog.Club stopped working for some weird reason. F-U-C-K.
Movie night with the girls
Ha anyways I had a movienight with my best friend , Josefin, mostly because that'll be our last time together before she leaves for her summerjob on Öland... So you we decided to have a girls' night together with Bea an' watch some movies and eat lots of calories..haha:D
We had a long walk with some nice chatting...(haha!) andddd we walked through tornados and rain..(actually! My umbrella broke! Josefin's too! And some kids were laughing at us when we came walking by their house! And I almost flew away in the air!!!! ACTUALLY!)
And when we got home we were really tired and we ate some candy and chips while watching a movie which we thought was a comedy which didnt seem to be...cause it wasnt that laughprovoking.... You know that new movie with Jim Carrey "I love you Phillip Morris"(?) haha, it was kinda a bit..funny sometimes but yeah ha mostly saaaad haha:)
And then we watched the CLASSIC Swedish movie one never could get tired of and it kinda turned into a tradition to watch it every summer haha:) SUNES SOMMAR! (Sune's summer) It is SUUUPERFUNNYY!! And SO typically Swedish (you people who wonder what swedes are like watch thaat haha) :)
That scene when the doctor comes and takes Rudolf's plaster óff from his leg and his wife is like "Rudolf, calm down! Ít is gone now, hon!" And he is like "MY LEG MY LEG!!" hahaha that is so funnyy!! haha I couldnt stop laughing haha :D If you didnt see it you gotta do:)

Sunes sommar:)
5 weeks in The Netherlands

Above: These pictures ust illustrates things I am going to bring like the picture of "panties" for example is just an icon for panties ha, it is not like those are the exactly amount and type of panties I will bring :D But some things ARE things that I actually have exact copies of ha for example: The mascara (if someone is looking for a good mascara which is easy to remove buy THAT one, I love it!), the camera (Nikon D50), The computer (Compaq), The phone (samsung), the bikini top, the sneakers, the bodylotions, the eyeliner and the lipbalm:) Ha I have a feeling the clothes will be like 1000 and the things will be a lot more than these... Woah someone is gonna stop me on the airport and suspect me for being a hijacker! Hahaha:)

The Netherlands, probably Amsterdam:) Looks nice and a lot of water it seems like... My boyfriend lives next to a river, his backyard IS a river so you can go there with boat ha, think about jumping out of your window and right down in water:) And he feeds swans! From his window!! Isn't thattt something we Swedish people should be jealous of?
New layout
Anyways summer is finally here and I am so happy! :) I have been longing for sooo long and there are so many things I have to do, I gotta write a list of must do's and I still haven't done THAT! ha so that is what I'll have to do perhaps tomorrow:) Anyways I worked today on the new layout for this blog since I had that dark one for pretty long and now when it is finally summer and the sun is back I thought it was time to throw away the darkness and say Hello summer and brightness ha:) I hope you guys like it!