Anyways, here are some of the few photos I took before it got dark and beautiful (:( )

There were lots of people.

Long & big ships!

Lots of birds found themselves in paradise around eating people:p

Tim & I had french fries mmmm:) Never tasted any fries like THAT in Sweden.

Oh and coca cola of course :D

They even had boats from Sweden! hihi! This person kind of ruined my photo a bit, I really did not intend to put her in it, I hope she doesn't mind too much. But there were people everyywhereeeee.

Me and Tim went by train to Amsterdam or A'dam as some dutch people say. Tim said he hated it even before I set my foot there and that I certainly would to. There are lots and lots of people in Amsterdam, believe me, Tim had to grab my arm and drag me everywhere because he was afraid of losing me in the masses. Also a thing I am personally not used to in Sweden is that people smoke everywhere, in the streets while walking, in the shoppingcentres, in cafés and even restaurants. I hate when people smoke among other people. And also there were lots of tourists running in and out of souvenirshops and taking photos of everything, and people biked a little everywhere and not a single person cared about the traffic lights. GREEN - Everyone walks of course. YELLOW- Everyone walks of course. RED- Everyone STILL walks of course! And in many places there was thsi really strong and weird smokesmell, Tim told me it was grass/marijuana, yes people even smoke THAT in the streets!
There were lots of shops everywhere, I looked in some and there was one shop I really really loved, it was exactly my kind of style, it was called BERSHKA, I never heard of it before, I bought a dress there with polka dots (you'll see everything I bought in Holland later), I was about to buy jeans too but there was an emergency with Tim because he was obviously dying of boredom so I gave in when I saw his face. haha! We ate at Mcdonald's and it was of course crowded everywhere so we went out to look if there was some place to sit but people were everywhere, luckily we found a table underneath some kind of tent, and if you believe that there was ever silence in Amsterdam you're SO wrong! The noise was soooo loud I had to shout to make Tim hear me whenever I wanted to say something, and that day there was some kind of carnival too so they sang loudly and danced on wagons. And Tim said "There is always something going on in Amsterdam. It is never quiet. Not even at night"
And he should know because he used to go to school there until this summer actually...
There were also lots of "statues" everywhere, but they weren't really statues, it was just people standing everywhere pretending to be statues in different clothes and armours, they would stand very still and sometimes they would move just to point their finger at you or do signs or change position. Tim said they did that for charity. It was pretty cool I think. They wanted me to come and stand next to them so we could have our picture taken but I didnt want to do that because all tourists did that and it felt so humilating haha! I didn't take a photo of them all, which I maybe should have but it was pretty hard to take photos in Amsterdam because there were people every every every where... Actually I don't like Amsterdam so much, it was too crowded, too loud, too big and too dangerous to me haha, so Harlem is my favourite city here I think, so much more calmer!
So yah, here are some of the few and not so proffessional photos I took...
One of the "statues"
I wanted to go here but there was a supersuper long queue:(
De Nieuwe School. This was Tim's school, he just graduated from it. Seriously it is super slim and supertall! So Hollandish!
You could see horse and carriage pretty much everywhere, I felt so sorry for them because people kept running up to pet them even though the driver said no and cars drove close behind them and it was so noisy and only hard pavement to walk on + warm. IIII was exhausted! Pooooor horses:( You had to pay lots just for one ride too.
De Olmenhorst


A little bit of everything
I am reading a lot, less than I thought I would though but anyways I picked it up again after weeks of not reading at all and I finished the second book in the Deluxe serie and loved it and now I just started on the third book by Montogomery's..something something Anne of Green Gables, and I already love it:) Those books are really old but I still think all should read them, they are wondeful!! Truly, and different and about small everydaythings but still interesting. You don't have to be almost-killed by Lord Voldemort or carry a dangerous and powerful ring to be inetersting, meeee thinksssss :)
Here are some random and mixed photos from Holland:)

The softness of the rosepedals will forever remind me of your lips

You have my heart in your hands

Some flowers I plucked with Tim (`ìsn't this enough alreadyyyyy!´)

The golden nailpolish for my sistaaa!

Poppy. I named my babycat after this beautiful flower!

This somehow makes me feel a bit poetish... ?

Uhh I wish I was a frog so I could jump and bump from one blade to another. It seems like a wonderful thing to do :p


A day at the museum
I took a couple of photos and I am sorry to say that they kind of suck because it was dark in there which means: Highest ISO, grainy and still daarrk, well well...

The ceiling:)

There was a mommy and lots of cute little chickens:)

There was a sign that said you could pet this dog if you wanted to, it was sooo soft! I wonder whose dog it was... What would it be like to have your dog stuffed at a museum so everyone could pet it? Weird I think.

That goat looked SO real!!

A really sucky photo.

AWWWW! A babbyyyzeeebra!

The ceiling again haha, I must be truly fucked up :p

Haha this reminds me of that monkey in Night at the museum, the one who steals his keys, hihihi!

A mammut:) (Tim says: You killed Manny?! You bastards!)
The beach
Here below are some photos:


Doesn't just take your breath away?

Tim wore the sunglasses we found at the beach:) HOOTTNESSS

This hot chick wanted to be photographed ;)

Nice teeth! :) - Colgate extra white, buy now!


In the Netherlands!
Anyways Tim and I haven't been doing a lot yet, we've went a lot to a park nearby, taking photos and I took a walk in the city myself while he was at work and I almost got picked up by some crazy guy who wanted me to lift with him (.....ehh okay). For the rest we eat lots of candy and chips and watch movies and we went to Mcdonald's in his dad's boat haha, yup BOAT. Tim's family is great and on friday I'm going to go on a shoppingspree with his mother to Harleem, I think :)
But of course I miss my home too, my sister, , mom, my dad, my brother Felix and my sister Emma and my kittens and cats that are growing like crazy I guess, and my rabbit died :( Well I hope he rests in peace, I think he was pretty old actually, poor little fellow. And I miss my best friend Josefin too and my grandma and grandpa and everyone else in my family and I miss the swedish "plockgodis" they dont really seem to have that here... And the swedish chocolate!! Kexchoklad for example MMM and the swedish newspapers and TV and moviesss and yeaaah :) But I'm still having a great time even though I do miss a lot... There is always something isn't?
Btw I am so totally clumsy. I moved my glasses because I didnt want Tim to lie on them and then guess what? I fell in them and they broke so we had to go to the optician. YUP thats me. Hhaha!
Here are some photos from Holland for ya people:) Mooore pictures is to come:)

A superbeautiful view:)

My plane

A street in Hillegom

In almost every garden there are hundreds of flowers in weird creations... haha:)


There are roedeers and lots of animals in the park! :) CUTE

Bambi itchy?

Yup Hillegom, that's where he lives:) <3

Tim used to play baseball:)


Tim and I in the park:)

Just my luck...
I was going to try my combination lock for my travelling bag... Seriously I joked about locking my bag so I wouldnt get it up again... God obviously thinks I joke way too much and that I should stop being so unserious and silly cause guess what? I DID IT! I LOCKED MY BAG AND NOW I CANT GET IT UP! THE FUCKING CODE I ENTERED SEEMS TO HAVE CHANGED! WTF! This is sooooo me... sooo only-happens-to Alexandra-happenstance. FUCK. SOOOO I started trying every combination there is but yeah..I think gray hair started growing out... so I thought wtf... and asked my dad to break it and yup. Now I've got no combination luck anymore. Good thing it was a pretty easy one to break... Whatever.
5 weeks in The Netherlands

Above: These pictures ust illustrates things I am going to bring like the picture of "panties" for example is just an icon for panties ha, it is not like those are the exactly amount and type of panties I will bring :D But some things ARE things that I actually have exact copies of ha for example: The mascara (if someone is looking for a good mascara which is easy to remove buy THAT one, I love it!), the camera (Nikon D50), The computer (Compaq), The phone (samsung), the bikini top, the sneakers, the bodylotions, the eyeliner and the lipbalm:) Ha I have a feeling the clothes will be like 1000 and the things will be a lot more than these... Woah someone is gonna stop me on the airport and suspect me for being a hijacker! Hahaha:)

The Netherlands, probably Amsterdam:) Looks nice and a lot of water it seems like... My boyfriend lives next to a river, his backyard IS a river so you can go there with boat ha, think about jumping out of your window and right down in water:) And he feeds swans! From his window!! Isn't thattt something we Swedish people should be jealous of?