
Today I've had a photoshoot in the studio with my baby sister Emma (the cutest kid ever)! I've been wanting to take photos of her for long and finally now I could as my mother needed some photos for christmas cards, so this is a christmas shoot. It was a lot of fun but also very difficult to snap the picture before she ran away or changed position, which she did very fast... and often... And Emma was bored pretty soon so it was hard to keep her entertained throughout the shoot, but well I got some nice shots after all! I hope to take make more photosessions with Emma, but I am also perparing for some other sessions I will have with other models as well :)

Emma... no one told you to throw that!

Jump jump!

she is so small she looked like a little red dot on the paper! :)

One of my faves... :)

Morning shots
I've had a nice weekend, I went to my uncle's birthday party which was fuuuun and I took photos in the morning when the sun was shining through my window! :) The oak tree's leaves have changed color and is a really pretty and beautiful yellow color, too bad they have to fall off and turn brown :( Here are some shots!

Paint leaves!
Yup, I've been thinking lot about doing it and now i did it: paint leaves (which was super fun!). I knooow! I am crazy :P But it is so sad that all leaves are falling off now and winter is comiiiing, sooo I need some leaves... Plus I got the idea to use them in a shoot, so I will try that one out, but I need more leaves for that so the painting isnt done yet! :) I will show you some pictures of some leaves I've painted (yes real leaves)!!
Ahh I loveeee colors...

Ahh I loveeee colors...

Baby! :(
Now one of our baby kittens are sold (and not here anymore), awww I miss him! It is the "tennisball" as we used to call him, because he ate all the time whoch resulted in a very fat round belly (looked as if he had swallowed a tennisball). Wherever you are Tennisball I hope you'll be happy!!!
Project 04-10-10
Jag har precis skrivit och slutfört en projektsplan (bakgrund, syfte, avgränsning m.m) tillsammans med Josefin. Just nu känns det som om vi har en rätt bra uppsikt över vad vi håller på med och vad som komma skall. Det känns väldigt bra!

Project = Success thus far!! :)

Project = Success thus far!! :)