Rose & CO
I LOVE lipbalms and here is my all-time fave market!! ROSE & CO! Best lipbalms ever maaade :) You don't get dry lips like you do when using other lipbalms, they are just amaaazing and smell really awesome!
These are the 3 Alfred gave me! :)
Cherrykiss is my faave!! :)
New layout
It's soon christmas ( can you believe it?!) it really doesn't feel that way! But I am longing for it and on wednesday it is finally christmas break and no school for 2 weeks!
I've just had a really fun sleepover with Alfred, we watched Heroes and played cards and stuff! :) And he got me my favourite lipbalms from Rose & Company and lovely roses!! And tomorrow my sister, josefin and I will have a movie night and watch funny movies such as dumb & dumber (jim carrey)
Now I am going to watch Narnia II on TV, have a nice evening y'all!!
Paint leaves!
Ahh I loveeee colors...

Taste of summer

And oh I've designed my sister's blog a while ago, I will post shots of the layout up later as well as an upcoming layout for a new "client"
Have a good day!!
Sisters in all

Photo: by me, me to the left, Bea to the right!

Haha me neither!
A Place In My Dreams
Hey everybody! Sorry for a late update! :) I'm feeling a bit ill so I'm home and relaxing for a bit, fixed my passport yesterday as well, ha I look like someone just told me my dog died (ehm...wait i dont have any dog...I mean cat then) Anyway to pass the time I decided to use one of the poems my boyfriend, Tim has written for me and as everyone knooows and if you don't - Tim ruuuules at writing poetry!
So yeah I took my mic read it aloud and then I made a video of it with music and all that shit:) ha Here is a bit of a preview of it, it is not done yet, you maybe notice it ends pretty abrubtply, that's because I cut it because I havent added the other video clips yet!:) But that will be added as well too, when I find suiting ones
Okay here is some information and Credits:
The movie is made in Adobe premiere CS3 by me, Alexandra Sjögren
Poetry: A place in my dreams witten by Tim Lommerse
Music: Max Richter, Arboretum, Blue Notebooks
Pictures: Stock videos (taken from multiple sites)
Hope you like it! (I know it is a bit weird, but I felt like doing something really sad and extraordinary :) )
I want my cats to be kittens again!! this is sooo CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!
Sonnet 18
Shall I compare you to the shining sun? For you shine, whole the day, From your heat, my heart can't run, At night you leave, and I must stay, Sometimes you're hidden, gone, And I must face the cold alone, Your absence lasts just too long, I die each day of winter tone, But I long to each sunrise, And at morning I leave shade, Waiting for you, on my advice, I pray to god, please do not fade. As long as each day, the sun returns to me, I'll wait for you and let you run free. - Tim Lommerse |
The Last Person You...
Thought about?
- I won't tell!
looked at?
- Beatrice
Said I love you to?
- Tim
- Grandma
- Tim
- Tim (I think)
Shared a secret with?
- Tim/Josefin
Watched a movie with?
- Beatrice & Eva
Could not stop thinking about?
- Tim
In your family...
Who makes you laugh?
- My sister, Beatrice
Who makes you cry?
- Dad
Who is strict?
- Dad
Who is laid back?
- Me
Who will do anything for you?
- My sister
Have you ever?
Been skinnydipping?
- hmm, dont think so
Made a friend mad?
- ha YEAH!!
Gotten an dentention?
- naah
Gotten expelled?
- nope!
Threw popcorn in a movie theatre?
- noo, and I don't really like popcorn...
Been on a stage?
- Yes and I hate it so muuch
Seen a famous person?
- ha yeah but only swedish ones:D Likeee... Perinilla Wahlgren, Charlotte Perelli, The ark, idol artists and etc... oh no actually Í saw Depeche mode singer Dave! :) haha
Been pantsed by a friend?
- well...yeah maybe when I was little ha..but I don't think my FRIENDS did...
Lost your voice?
- ha yeah
- ha eh school?
Best friend?
- Josefin
Favourite movie star?
- I kinda like Rachel Mcadams and Keira Knightley
- Tim <3
Hair color?
- Blonde
Favorite movie?
- hmm..many but some of them are Gladiator, HP, Pride & Prejudice, Love actually, King Arthur and lootsss
Have you ever been in love?
- ha yeah MANY times, not all serious of course
Favorite color
- ha I like black and white together but I guess that is like really boring?
Best memory?
- Tim and I lying in the summer grass
Worst memory?
- Private :P!
Favorite band?
- Muse, Depeche mode...ha okay I really can't say one! I love a lot of music
Can you do the worm?
- O.O what's THAT?

I think everyone wonders what the hell happened to my arm...
Believe me, so do II!! haah!

Fit For Fight
Yup! Now I have finally finished editing the blogdesign (even though i will probably find SOMEthing to adjust later on) ha and now I am actually pretty pleased with it so I will let it stay like this for a while, I guess:D
Today I have been swimming (mostly in the babypool! haha) and talking to my boyfriend and editing this s*it like crazy!
Welcome to my new blog!
Hello everyone!
My name is Alexandra Sjögren and this is my NEW blog ha! I have moved around quite a lot since I didn't really find the blogsite I wanted to have, I had tumblr (but with different name)and blogger and etc but yeah blogger just wasnt good enough ha so if you find those..yeah they ARE mine :D
I am swedish and I am 17 years old, and as I am swedish and this is a swedish blogsite you may wonder why I don't just write in swedish then, but that is because I have a lot of english friends so therefore i find it a lot easier writing in the english language, so everyone will understand:) So yeah swedish people, you're free to comment ask me things in SWEDISH ha because I do understand that as well!
I will mostly use this blog for posting photos I guess, since I am very into photography and photoshopping... Yup:) That's all for me this time, but there is more to come!
Take care!