Polaroid Bomb
Polaroid and Poladroid - I love you! It is hard to say why it is so lovely but I think it is the colors, the way every photo is a little kinder egg surprise and the way something simple can turn into something simply unique. Just like THAT! I don't fancy this word but I gotta say it: it is kinda cute.

Example - Kickstarts

A guy in California thought I'd like this song and he was right! I looove it. Check it out :D
Project 26-09-10
Sådär! Nu har Josefin och jag äntligen kommit igång ordentligt med vårt projektarbete (tidigare gånger har ägnats åt planering). Det blev en heldag i Norra Kvill skogen där vi fotograferade lite smått och gott. Vi hade däremot inte tur med vädret vilket gör att vi förmodligen kommer att åka dit igen om i får möjlighet, men vi fotade på. Josefin använde sig av ett mindre objektiv och jag använde mig av 300 mm, vår strategi var att Josefin skulle ta hand om översikts bilderna och jag om närbilderna (med kort skärpdjup). Det gick mycket bra (förutom lite halk, snubbel och skrik här och var) och vi tror oss ha lite användbara bilder till boken. Jag har precis redigerat ett fåtal bilder, men ytterligare redigering kommer att göras imorgon på hålan. Här nedan är några av bilderna jag tog... Det blev mycket bilder på spindelnät och ris...

Hösten i all sin prakt

Som utströdda stjärnor på natthimlen ...

Den gyllene gölen

Today I was in the forest with Josefin & took some photos for my school project. The weather pretty much sucked and wasn't at all like we had expected but raindrops do have a nice effect too. Autumn colors and drops in every picture... The photos above are some of the photos I took today, they'll maybe be in the photobook later (if there will be any) but we'll see. We'll go back a sunny day, probably.

Hösten i all sin prakt

Som utströdda stjärnor på natthimlen ...

Den gyllene gölen


Today I was in the forest with Josefin & took some photos for my school project. The weather pretty much sucked and wasn't at all like we had expected but raindrops do have a nice effect too. Autumn colors and drops in every picture... The photos above are some of the photos I took today, they'll maybe be in the photobook later (if there will be any) but we'll see. We'll go back a sunny day, probably.
Taste of summer
Mmm I ate lots of icecream and strawberries yesterday! Yums!

Modern family!

Thumbs up for modern family! This show is definitely one of my favorites, probably even more than Desperate Housewives actually (which I love), it is soo funny and really really FUNNY. If you didn't see it you MUST do it! I am so happy now when they finally started showing the second season in USA (and then I can see the new episodes on the internet before they come to Sweden) YAY!
Here below you can see one of my favorite scenes from season 1 haha!
Project 25-09-10
Imorgon bär det av mot Norra Kvill! Dags för intensiv plåtning av bevarad svensk natur. Jag och Josefin hoppas på fint väder. Lite mer om det imorgon...
Fall layout
Hello to you all! Now the leaves are falling and autumn is here... A bit sad I think but the colors are nice (in the beginning at least...) and to match the season I chose to change my summerish field-layout to a more fallish one even though the leaves of the apple tree still are green, the red apples give me a bit of an autumn feeling and that's why I chose a lot of dark red tones... The background is not really chosen yet, maybe it will be this one or another one, I haven't made my mind but it will definitely have something red on it... I hope you like it!
Love Alexandra
Love Alexandra
Happily ever after
Hey again, after a loooooong absence! You can't believe what happened yesterday! I was at my baby cousin's christening and had been asked to take photos especially for that, and while being there, directly after Majken's cermony they started playing the wedding song! Yup! My uncle and his girlfriend Therese got married! It was very beautiful and I almost cried actually :) So THAT was mainly why I was asked to bring my camera, to take their wedding photo which I gladly did! I've always wanted to take a wedding photo and never thought I would, so this was my very first wedding (that I actually remember going to) and my very first wedding photography! :)
I will post some of the 1000 photos I took + some of their whole family!
AND with that I wish Mikael and Therese a happily ever after...

I will post some of the 1000 photos I took + some of their whole family!
AND with that I wish Mikael and Therese a happily ever after...

School project
I just added a new category called "School project" and as you can hear it is a schoool project and I am going to use this blog for updates/journals about how it is getting along... And it will be written in Swedish, for you guys that don't understand... Too bad :P That's all I have to say: TACK!
I am sorry I have been inactive for quite a while but I have been up to a lot of things and a lot has been going on:) I will post more about this later as well as photos but for now I will leave you with some fast taken photos I made yesterday when I was home from school, I was inspired by 1899 , Deluxe mostly (even my dress said Deluxe on the label) but yeah my sister thinks I tried to look like a bride which was NOT my intention! Well whatever, they are over exposed, but I hope thats okay :)

Hihihiii My kitten! and I KNOW super over exposed whatever!

Hihihiii My kitten! and I KNOW super over exposed whatever!