A summerdance

I love this shot I took of my sister :) makes me think of spring and summer, music and warmth...

Today I've had a photoshoot in the studio with my baby sister Emma (the cutest kid ever)! I've been wanting to take photos of her for long and finally now I could as my mother needed some photos for christmas cards, so this is a christmas shoot. It was a lot of fun but also very difficult to snap the picture before she ran away or changed position, which she did very fast... and often... And Emma was bored pretty soon so it was hard to keep her entertained throughout the shoot, but well I got some nice shots after all! I hope to take make more photosessions with Emma, but I am also perparing for some other sessions I will have with other models as well :)

Emma... no one told you to throw that!

Jump jump!

she is so small she looked like a little red dot on the paper! :)

One of my faves... :)

Morning shots

Polaroid Bomb

Happily ever after
I will post some of the 1000 photos I took + some of their whole family!
AND with that I wish Mikael and Therese a happily ever after...


Hihihiii My kitten! and I KNOW super over exposed whatever!
Oat Photoshoot

Sistaa!! <3

New Photoshoot

I started a new photoshoot today called Juicy, I'm going to make it a photoserie and the idea is different fruits with matching make up and it is suppoused to look immature and juicy of course:) But I need some models other than myself ;) Here is the first photo for the photoseries, me ft.Melon:) Hope you like it!

Color version. Model: Me. Photographer: Me.

Black and white version.
More is to come!!


Hello everyone, for some days ago I was really bored in the evening and there was no light out at all so good photography light was out of the question ha but well then I took my desk lamp, switched the lamp on the ceiling off and decided to take some "scary" photos instead, at least with a bit dark theme, you know the flashlight thing you do when you tell ghost stories? Ha kind of like that... Some of the photos turned out reallyyy really scary and my face looked monsterous but well the photo got a bit ruined as I by mistake exposed my underwear and it did not really come out as 100 % scary as it would have been haha... Well well, those who have seen it know what I'm talking about...
And for you, here are some of my "scary" results!
(For better view click the pictures)