I got a schoolassignment which was to create 2 single covers for two different artists. Before taking the photos we were to decide what artists and which song. I chose Depeche mode - Enjoy the silence and Melody Club - Colours. I shooted each photo in RAW-format, which really does give a better result. Afterwards I edited in Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Melody club - Colours. The cover has a white frame surrounding it (not quite visible in
this entry) . Model : me
Depeche mode - Enjoy the silence. Model: Beatrice Sjögren.
Commercial photography - diptychs

A summerdance

I love this shot I took of my sister :) makes me think of spring and summer, music and warmth...
Rose & CO
I LOVE lipbalms and here is my all-time fave market!! ROSE & CO! Best lipbalms ever maaade :) You don't get dry lips like you do when using other lipbalms, they are just amaaazing and smell really awesome!
These are the 3 Alfred gave me! :)
Cherrykiss is my faave!! :)
New layout
It's soon christmas ( can you believe it?!) it really doesn't feel that way! But I am longing for it and on wednesday it is finally christmas break and no school for 2 weeks!
I've just had a really fun sleepover with Alfred, we watched Heroes and played cards and stuff! :) And he got me my favourite lipbalms from Rose & Company and lovely roses!! And tomorrow my sister, josefin and I will have a movie night and watch funny movies such as dumb & dumber (jim carrey)
Now I am going to watch Narnia II on TV, have a nice evening y'all!!
Commerical Photography

Project 01-12-2010
Idag redigerade vi bilder i skolan och började sätta ihop fotoboken och layouten så som vi skulle vilja ha det. Vi kommer nog att jobba mer med det imorgon på vår håla. Här nedan följer några bilder som jag tog när vi var ute i snön.