uhh... Who am I kidding? There is no way I'm going to keep ANY of that, not really at least...
Happy new year!
I had an awesome evening with my cousins and my sister; we played telephone and cardgames! :) We also a nice dinner and CHEESECAKE for dessert, deliiciooouuus. New years couldnt be better than that! Hope you had a nice evening as well!

I hope you all had a great Midsummer, I think I did too:) I met some family and ate lots of sweeets and alll kind of stuff:) AAAAND I did not dance round the midsummerpole this year either haha yuuup Im stubborn , anyway I will post a couple of pictures, sorry they are not very many but yeeaah:)
Isn't my sister beautiful?
Do you like my crown? :) haha
My sister and grandma <3
Weird summerpole this year! haha, it usually doesn't look that way...
Finally time for another schoolbreak and this time it is SPRING and EASTER! YAY! :) Nothing is more wonderful than flowers and sunshine after a long winter...
I bought a super big suitcase for my trip to The Netherlands today and it was really tiring to walk with it all the way home with the sun shining on me (I was wearing a leather jacket) ha I thought I would melt into water and sweat! haha:) Well it was wondeful anyway, felt a lot like summer and definitely spring.
We've just had some "påskärringar" ringing the doorbell, if you don't know what it is, it is because you're probably not Swedish and it is kind of a swedish thing... girls (usually) walking around wearing scarves on their heads and having red make up on their cheeks and fake freckles and they come and ask for candy and ring your doorbell and stuff...ha it may sound weird but just google "påskärring" and you'll see. haha, I read a book (with true stories) about a guy who moved from Sweden to America (Im pretty sure it was) and when it was easter he dressed up as a "påskkärring" and rung the doorbell and some person opened and stared at him like "WTF.." ha and he was like "DON'T YOU SEE?! I'M AN EASTER BITCH!" haha (if you translate really badly and straight from swedish it would actually mean easter bitch haha!)
Well for you who maybe wonder what happend to my video below, i deleted it because I uploaded the full video now :P You can see it in next entry, I put some to the end of it.
For you who don't know I have a lot of interests like editing, painting and writing and such things so im often very bad at updating this blog because im busy so much plus Im talking to people and spending time with my sweet boyfriend :) ( omg if he heard me call him sweet he would kill me..okay Tim...gorgeous or hot then ha) Well anyway right now I am writing a lot because I got some inspiration from news I heard about a woman falling intp a Picasso drawing :D ha so yeah I started writing a story about a clumsy girl who gets famous for ruining Picasso's masterpiece "The Actor" in New York. It is kind of a comedy haha:)
hmmm anywaaaaayyss I dunno what more to say, plus Im dead tired so have a Happy and nice easter , Easter Bitches :P

I bought a super big suitcase for my trip to The Netherlands today and it was really tiring to walk with it all the way home with the sun shining on me (I was wearing a leather jacket) ha I thought I would melt into water and sweat! haha:) Well it was wondeful anyway, felt a lot like summer and definitely spring.
We've just had some "påskärringar" ringing the doorbell, if you don't know what it is, it is because you're probably not Swedish and it is kind of a swedish thing... girls (usually) walking around wearing scarves on their heads and having red make up on their cheeks and fake freckles and they come and ask for candy and ring your doorbell and stuff...ha it may sound weird but just google "påskärring" and you'll see. haha, I read a book (with true stories) about a guy who moved from Sweden to America (Im pretty sure it was) and when it was easter he dressed up as a "påskkärring" and rung the doorbell and some person opened and stared at him like "WTF.." ha and he was like "DON'T YOU SEE?! I'M AN EASTER BITCH!" haha (if you translate really badly and straight from swedish it would actually mean easter bitch haha!)
Well for you who maybe wonder what happend to my video below, i deleted it because I uploaded the full video now :P You can see it in next entry, I put some to the end of it.
For you who don't know I have a lot of interests like editing, painting and writing and such things so im often very bad at updating this blog because im busy so much plus Im talking to people and spending time with my sweet boyfriend :) ( omg if he heard me call him sweet he would kill me..okay Tim...gorgeous or hot then ha) Well anyway right now I am writing a lot because I got some inspiration from news I heard about a woman falling intp a Picasso drawing :D ha so yeah I started writing a story about a clumsy girl who gets famous for ruining Picasso's masterpiece "The Actor" in New York. It is kind of a comedy haha:)
hmmm anywaaaaayyss I dunno what more to say, plus Im dead tired so have a Happy and nice easter , Easter Bitches :P