When comes the sun?

Seriously it is MENTAL how much I miss the sun and the summer! Today when I woke up and the sun was shining on my face it actually didn't feel very awful to get up and it really made me cheerful:) Snow and coldness is just soooo depressing, GO AWAY!!!

Listen to this song by The Beatles (this version is rather crappy but anyway!) and close your eyes and imagine it is summer and the sun is here again, O.M.G that makes me wanna cry of happiness!!

10 Reasons why the Sun should come back

1. This  awfully cold winter makes my skin look like sh*t, the sunlight is totally good for your skin (unless you sunbathe so much that you burn it like crazy and get cancer...then...less good) because it KILLS all evil pimples without mercy.

2. The hair gets bleached and beautiful + the fresh air makes it much more alive

3. Waking with sun on your face and hearing the twittering of birds isn't a very bad thing

4. Lying on the grass reading/listening to music/sleeping or just cuddling with your boyfriend/girlfriend is just like paradise

5. My  little rabbit won't have to stay in his little boring, grassless cage anymore

6. It will be bright all day long! (which means: better and more photography occasions for me!)

7. I can BIIIKEEEEEE AGAINNNN (and walk more than 4 meters away  from the house so you won't have to desperately run back home again because it is so fucking cold that you can't take it)    

8. You can BATHEEE!!!

9. Eat lots of icecream and sleep in cottages!

10. Live with My honeeeyyyy (Tim Lommerse<3<3<3<3!!!) in the Netherlands!:) (Tulip fields here I coommeee)

I looked through my folders and found some pictures from last summer! COME BACK!!! 
Click the  small photos for bigger view!

Postat av: G.N.R.S.U

i think you are a writer from the nature and mensheid!

2011-07-13 @ 05:42:24
URL: http://gnrsu.com

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