Thunder & Rain

Today was the first time in many days that I wore jeans (jeans shorts don't count). Seriously it was kind of chilly and it thundered and rained like crazy, it has been thundering a lot lately... I dislike thunder... like really dislike it, it scares me a bit, I've heard so many things about it, things that has happened. There are so many dangers that you can protect yourself from or avoid but thunder is harder to avoid, many times it is just about having bad luck I guess. Must be an awful way to die in:( Anyways we've been celebrating my grandma inside instead -squeezed together-and instead of a quiz-walk outside, we had to have a quiz-walk 'round the table -with wet quiz papers- hahah:) Well it was quite nice anyways!

I know this comes out of nowhere a bit, but I think this year I started realizing that some moments and some things won't last for ever or for very long, all we can do is to remember them. Especially this summer, I know this summer is somehow more special to me than any other summer I had. Perhaps I'm growing up... :)

Me and my sister will maybe have some HP nights again, haha I have no idea how many time I've watched Harry Potter now seriouuslyyyy but yeah, somehow neither me nor my sister gets tired of them:) So today we'll watch the first movie -perhaps 2nd too-, and tomorrow the rest (....ehm the WHOLE lot?!) haha well we'll seee, hope you guys have a good day, good evening and a thunderless one too! Rain on the other hand is quite cozy in the evening, isn't?


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