Some days ago I was with Tim and his grandmother and grandfather to SAILING AMSTERDAM 2010 where you could look at big ships and boats.There were snackbars, vitaminbars, candy and carousels and all kind of stuff and I had a lot of fun except that the camera battery was unloaded and I when I got to the most beautiful ships with golden details, and super big ones as well as other things I couldn't take any more photos:( It made me very sad haha. Tim bought a hat which was a bit too small but otherwise looked very good on him and I was given a beautiful ring which I now wear everyday and love:P and I had candy floss and got extremely sticky hands! Anyhow it was really annoying that thing with the camera because there was a really stunning sundown:(
Anyways, here are some of the few photos I took before it got dark and beautiful (:( )

There were lots of people.

Long & big ships!

Lots of birds found themselves in paradise around eating people:p

Tim & I had french fries mmmm:) Never tasted any fries like THAT in Sweden.

Oh and coca cola of course :D

They even had boats from Sweden! hihi! This person kind of ruined my photo a bit, I really did not intend to put her in it, I hope she doesn't mind too much. But there were people everyywhereeeee.

Anyways, here are some of the few photos I took before it got dark and beautiful (:( )

There were lots of people.

Long & big ships!

Lots of birds found themselves in paradise around eating people:p

Tim & I had french fries mmmm:) Never tasted any fries like THAT in Sweden.

Oh and coca cola of course :D

They even had boats from Sweden! hihi! This person kind of ruined my photo a bit, I really did not intend to put her in it, I hope she doesn't mind too much. But there were people everyywhereeeee.
